UFMA Instructors


Sensei David Washington – 3rd Dan Blackbelt (Chief Instructor)

whiteback7_03UFMA is run by Chief Instructor Sensei David Washington 3rd Dan. Sensei David has been training in martial arts for over 20 years and has developed extensive knowledge and understanding of the arts, which he then over time improved and combined into the UFMA.

Sensei David started his Martial Arts career at the age 14 studying Boxing and Freestyle Karate. After leaving school he pursued his interest of physical training and studied in sports science and personal training. During this time he advanced his knowledge of the human anatomical structure and developed a strong understanding of the benefits that the discipline of Martial Arts can provide to an individual.

Following this Sensei David continued his training in Martial Arts and excelled in all areas particularly sparring where he placed 1st in many national/ international competitions. Consequently he felt he could offer others the opportunity to achieve their full potential in Martial Arts and physical training by forming Ultimate Freestyle Martial Arts.